FRAMES | NO FRAMES Description | Parameters | Examples | Response
Server Info
URL http://<host>/<instance>/rest/info


The ServerInfo resource provides general information about the server (e.g. current version of the server), and provides information on whether the server is secured using token based authentication; and the token services url (if token based authentication is used). From 10.1 onwards when the server is secured using token based authetication, the property shortLivedTokenValidity is returned. The value returned for this property represents the validity of short-lived tokens in minutes.


Parameter Details
f Description: The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json

Example Usage

Example 1:

JSON Response Syntax

"currentVersion": <currentVersion>,
"fullVersion": "<fullVersion>", //Added in 10.1 - returns version information as a String
"soapUrl": "<soapUrl>",
"secureSoapUrl": <soapSslUrl>,
"owningSystemUrl": "<owningSystemUrl>", //Added in 10.1 SP1
"authInfo" : {
    "isTokenBasedSecurity" : <true | false>,
    "tokenServicesUrl" : "<tokenServiceUrl>", //sent only if isTokenBasedSecurity = "true"
     "shortLivedTokenValidity" : <shortLivedTokenValidity> //Added in 10.1. Sent only if isTokenBasedSecurity = "true"

JSON Response Example

"currentVersion": 10.1,
"fullVersion": "10.1",
"soapUrl": "http://server/arcgis/services",
"secureSoapUrl": "https://server/arcgis/services",
"owningSystemUrl": "", 
"authInfo" : {
    "isTokenBasedSecurity" : true,
    "tokenServicesUrl" : "https://server/arcgis/tokens",
	"shortLivedTokenValidity" :60