Feature Server Error Codes

Editing Errors

Error Code Description
1000 Non-specific edit content error
1001 Field: <value> is not nullable. Cannot set null value
1002 Geometry does not have m-values
1003 Operation rolled back
1004 Geometry update not allowed
1005 True curve update not allowed
1006 Invalid untrusted Html content detected in field: <value>
1007 Edit denied due to ownership-based access control
1008 Adding an attachment failed
1009 Updating an attachment failed
1010 Deleting an attachment failed
1011 Object is missing
1012 Operation rolled back
1013 Object is missing or edit denied due to ownership-based access control
1014 Geometry does not have z-values
1015 Geometry could not be set
1016 Setting of value for <value> failed
1017 Internal error during object insert
1018 Internal error during object delete
1019 Internal error during object update